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What Is SkinPen Microneedling?

Microneedling is a groundbreaking skin rejuvenation technique that encourages your body to produce its natural filler material — collagen. When you’re young, your body produces a high volume of collagen, a fibrous protein that makes your skin look firm, taut, and voluminous. The gradual loss of collagen due to aging leads to wrinkles, midface volume loss, and other signs of aging. Microneedling creates micro-injuries on your skin’s surface to activate natural healing and collagen production, helping you reclaim youthful skin.

woman during PRF microneedling in Orlando

Microneedling Treats

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scarring
  • Facial creases and folds
  • Textural irregularities
  • Sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Skin laxity and sagging skin
  • Other signs of aging and sun damage

How Does

Microneedling involves using a specialized device with ultrafine needles to penetrate the uppermost layers of your skin’s surface. The micro-punctures created during PRF microneedling in Orlando stimulate your body’s natural healing processes without causing harm to your skin. Your body reacts to the micro-injuries by stimulating collagen production and cellular regeneration. Over time, the dead and damaged skin cells are replaced by healthy skin, and the new collagen fibers make your skin look firm, taut, and youthful. The results look completely natural because they’re based on natural healing.

Boost Your Results
With PRP & PRF

You can boost the results of your microneedling treatment with PRP and PRF injections. PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) are components drawn from your blood with a high concentration of platelets and growth factors, which are responsible for most of your body’s healing processes, such as cellular regeneration and collagen production. When the PRP and PRF serums are applied to your skin after microneedling, the growth factors catalyze the healing process, leading to superior results in less time.

Benefits Of Microneedling:

  • Minimally invasive treatment
  • Stimulates natural collagen production
  • Minimal discomfort during the treatment
  • Improves overall skin tone and texture
  • Can be combined with PRP/PRF treatment
  • Minimal side effects and no downtime
  • Natural-looking results based on internal healing

Your Microneedling Session

A session of PRF microneedling in Orlando is straightforward and uncomplicated. Our medical providers carefully examine your skin, discuss your concerns, identify the treatment areas, and personalize the treatment plan. After cleansing your facial skin, we apply a numbing gel to ensure comfort.

The microneedling device is moved across your skin to create micro-punctures on the skin’s uppermost layers using a specialized device. This triggers your natural healing processes to revitalize your complexion. The treatment takes about an hour.

Side Effects & Recovery

Microneedling produces minimal side effects, such as redness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising around the treatment areas. Most of the side effects dissipate within a few hours or a day. You can resume your daily activities and work immediately, but you must avoid strenuous workouts, sweating, direct sunlight, and saunas for a day or two or until the side effects fade completely. You should also wear sunscreen and moisturize regularly to protect your skin.

Results From Microneedling

The results from your microneedling session will appear gradually over several weeks as your body produces new collagen fibers. Your skin will gradually feel tighter and firmer after a few weeks, with continued improvements for a few months. The outcomes of your sessions for PRF microneedling in Orlando are cumulative, indicating that they enhance with each subsequent session.

Most patients see optimal improvements after 3 to 4 sessions spaced a few weeks apart. However, our medical providers will recommend the optimal number of sessions after evaluating your skin concerns.

Before & Afters

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PRF Microneedling FAQs

Is PRF Microneedling suitable for all skin types and tones?

PRF Microneedling is generally safe and effective for all skin types and tones. Since it relies on your body’s natural healing processes, it’s safe for most people. However, our providers will examine your facial skin and review your medical history to determine your suitability.

Are there any special precautions or skincare routines to follow before and after PRF Microneedling?

Before PRF Microneedling in Orlando, avoid sun exposure and retinol products. Afterward, use gentle, hydrating skincare and wear sunscreen to protect the freshly treated skin. You should also avoid strenuous workouts for a few days until the side effects dissipate.

Is PRF Microneedling painful?

PRF Microneedling can be mildly uncomfortable, but topical numbing cream is applied before the procedure to minimize any discomfort, making it generally tolerable.

Can PRF Microneedling be combined with other cosmetic treatments for enhanced results?

Yes, PRF Microneedling can be combined with other treatments like Botox or fillers for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Can I wear makeup after PRF Microneedling?

Can I wear makeup after PRF Microneedling?
It’s advisable to avoid makeup for the first 24 hours after PRF Microneedling to allow the skin to heal properly and minimize the risk of irritation or infection.

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Why Choose Soluma Aesthetics For PRF Microneedling In Orlando?

Soluma Aesthetics is a luxurious medical spa dedicated to helping you achieve optimal aesthetic beauty and maintain an effortlessly youthful appearance. We use cutting-edge technologies to address the root cause of your signs of aging and activate your body’s innate healing processes to help you conquer aging. Our medical providers personalize the treatment plan and ensure you feel safe and comforted throughout. Please schedule a consultation to explore your options for PRF microneedling in Orlando.